experimental sound
The Audio Foundation was founded by Zoe Drayton in 2004 to enhance connection and community for New Zealand experimental music and sound art practitioners. (more…)
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Everyone wants to understand art. Why not try to understand the songs of a bird? Pablo Picasso. [1] (more…)
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Considerations of the rumbling tenor of his prose aside, the name of German philosopher Martin Heidegger is not one usually associated with speculations on sound, or even to listening. (more…)
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The image embracing the exterior of the November issue of Art Monthly Australia (AMA) is the interior of an anechoic chamber, a room designed to create the (rather superficial human) construct of ‘silence’ through its elimination of external environmental noise such as echo, radio frequency and acoustic sounds. (more…)
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Sometime over the last ten, fifteen, umpteen years sound happened in the worlds of art, music, media arts … and literature, theatre, radio, film, academic scholarship, etc. (more…)
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This issue of Filter is brought to you by ANAT’s Embracing Sound [ES] Program, in partnership with Art Monthly Australia. Here you will find teasers of articles as contained within the AMA issue (for the full articles visit www.artmonthly.org.au and subscribe), and we present to you exclusive online access to the Art of Sound DVD commissioned works content…. (more…)
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Amongst the Embracing Sound (ES) program’s continued advocacy work, throughout 2009 we have collaborated with Art Monthly Australia (AMA) to produce an edition entirely dedicated to the Arts of Sound. (more…)
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For many reasons it was with trepidation that I recently accepted the position of Program Manager for the Embracing Sound [ES] Program with ANAT. Although a potentially negative opening for my initial article in the role, my trepidation is under the most positive of circumstances; primarily being the immense respect I hold for Australian sound art and its practitioners. (more…)
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Sound art has a long history, going at least as far back as the Italian Futurist Luigi Russolo’s 1913 manifesto The Art of Noises, and his compositions for intonorumori, or noise machines. (more…)
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When asked to write about Audio/Visual (A/V) production, I am faced with a dilemma of definition. For me, as for W. J. T. Mitchell, there is no such thing as purely visual media, as I believe that all media comes with the other senses, especially sound (media without sound in fact draws our attention back to sound through the very lack of it). (more…)
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Photosonicneurokinaesthography means ‘to write the movement of neurons through the use of sound and light’, a practice that blurs the boundaries between science, art and philosophy to the point where they become meaningless. Originally developed in a primitive form by Dr Arkady Botborger. (more…)
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Synaesthesia, the neurological condition of cross-modal association between the senses, has recently re-emerged as a central concern in the audio-visual arts. (more…)
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Sound and video are, on the face of it, the most unremarkable ingredients in the new media arts. (more…)
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Since commencing as the program manager for embracing sound (es) in February 2008, a concerted effort has been made to build industry networks and create programming initiatives to raise the profile and opportunities for sound arts practices in the Australian arts industry. (more…)
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The work of German artist Carsten Nicolai encompasses electronic sound/music performance and mixed media installation. (more…)
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