[ES] Embracing Sound
Articles from the Embracing Sound program

Since commencing as the program manager for embracing sound (es) in February 2008, a concerted effort has been made to build industry networks and create programming initiatives to raise the profile and opportunities for sound arts practices in the Australian arts industry. (more…)
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ANAT member Sumugan shares his experience at sounds unusual 07 after successfully receiving an ANAT Professional Development Travel Grant. (more…)
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Sound art has a long history, going at least as far back as the Italian Futurist Luigi Russolo’s 1913 manifesto The Art of Noises, and his compositions for intonorumori, or noise machines. (more…)
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Sound in the public space is still very much a frontier, where the lines are drawn by multiple authorities and exposure to the “public” challenges sound artists with a whole new set of issues and dynamics. (more…)
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For many reasons it was with trepidation that I recently accepted the position of Program Manager for the Embracing Sound [ES] Program with ANAT. Although a potentially negative opening for my initial article in the role, my trepidation is under the most positive of circumstances; primarily being the immense respect I hold for Australian sound art and its practitioners. (more…)
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The image embracing the exterior of the November issue of Art Monthly Australia (AMA) is the interior of an anechoic chamber, a room designed to create the (rather superficial human) construct of ‘silence’ through its elimination of external environmental noise such as echo, radio frequency and acoustic sounds. (more…)
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